Friday, August 28, 2009

Update #13 on Matt's Brother, Kevin

So the night was uneventful for Kevin. This morning they took his neck brace off. Apparently, the neck fractures that we didn’t know about until yesterday had aligned correctly which allowed them to remove the neck brace. A nurse told us today that she thinks he might have a fracture on his finger on his right hand, therefore they are going to do an X-Ray. His legs had the same response to stimuli as the last two days. Again no response in the eyes. His fever broke yesterday, but it has fluctuated today. I asked last night and they told me that there was still swelling on the brain and that the swelling has not changed in the past two CATscans. We don’t know what, if anything, will change once the swelling goes down. They switched the ventilator back to the mode where Kevin is doing the breathing and the machine is helping. That is a good thing. It is also only at 40% oxygen and he is taking deep breaths.

I realized that so many of you are graciously praying for my brother with no idea who he is. I thought I would take a quick opportunity to tell you about my big brother. He’s forty-seven, dark hair, tanned olive complexion, six foot tall. He has three kids, Taylor, Kohl and Jacob. Kevin is a guy who would give you the shirt literally off his back. I can’t tell you how many guys that were in a down time in their life stayed for weeks/months on Kevin’s couch. Most of those guys have gone on to live a better life now. Kevin has been there for them. Kevin is the king of networkers, bringing people together that may not have ever known one other. Yet, each of those people were not just contacts, they were truly friends and often brothers.

Thanks so much for your prayers,
Matt & Angie

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