Friday, October 30, 2009

Update #82 on Kevin

So Kevin had his rescheduled eye appointment today. The doctor thought that his eye is looking better. He isn’t going to change anything right now, and doesn’t see the need to sew (tack) his eyelid shut just yet. He is going to see him in four weeks. He was very encouraged because Kevin is moving his right eye and blinking more than it was (even if it is slow).

The doctor last week ordered cultures of the sores on Kevin. The results came back and Kevin’s sores have the MRSA bacteria. MRSA is a strain of staph bacteria that’s resistant to the broad spectrum antibiotics commonly used to treat it (Mayo Clinic). Staph bacteria are normally found on the skin or in the nose of about one-third of the population. If you have staph on your skin or in your nose but aren’t sick, you are said to be “colonized” but not infected. However, you can still pass the germ to others. That means gowns and gloves for visitors once more!

After putting in one of our recent updates about Kevin’s home heater, several people responded. Kevin’s heater is now fixed. Thanks so much to the guys who offered and especially those who fixed it. It really means a great deal to our family. At some point, we’ll need someone to look at his AC too, but hopefully, the weather will push that need back a little.

Since the update about Kevin’s kitchen, another $100 was contributed towards the project. That means we have about $1200 towards the need of $2300. The vinyl flooring was installed this week, and with the heater fixed, it is getting really close to structurally finished. Once we raise the money for the kitchen, it can be installed and stained in a relatively short time. After what has been contributed so far, we still need another $1100 to order the pieces. Next steps will be continuing to look at Kevin’s furniture to determine what is salvageable, what will go directly back into the house, and what might go into storage for the meantime.

Thanks to those who have mown lawns throughout this ordeal. It has been a great way to help our family. We really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading and praying,
Matt, Angie and family
_______________________________ (for all updates) (for another way to read the updates)

1 comment:

  1. If your care facility will allow you to try a natural angle, might I suggest raw apple cider vinegar swabbed on the skin to help get rid of the staph? It shouldn't hurt a thing, other than possibly sting for a couple seconds. It works wonders for both staph and strep and only costs a few bucks. The regular grocery store vinegar isn't the stuff though. You could find an organic, unpasteurized kind from Whole Foods or even Akins. We will continue to pray for Kevin and are already thankful for his improvement and recovery.
