Sunday, September 6, 2009

Update #26 on Kevin

Lots to update on. Last night respiratory started weaning Kevin off his ventilator. They lowered the rate at which the vent helps Kevin breathe from 10 to 8 breaths per minute. Then Kevin does the additional breaths, adding up to somewhere between 16-22 breaths per minute. Around 4:30 AM they lowered it again since Kevin had done so well. They lowered it from 8 to 6 breaths per minute. They are supposed to continue doing this every 8 hours as long as Kevin responds well, dropping it by 2 each time. At 2:30 PM they just lowered his breathing rate from 6 to 4 breaths per minute.

The doctor who has been helping this weekend, told us that he thinks Kevin could be reaching a point where Kevin may open his eyes, appear to move his eyes around, possibly say words (either that make sense or not), but still may not be “awake”. If he does get to that point, if asked to draw a number 2, he would not be able to do that. There would be some miscommunication in his brain/body. It sounds like this doctor is giving us a new worst case scenario. Previously, the worst case scenario was that he might never wake up, but this would be different.

He has moved his head a couple times today. His legs were slightly moving a bit too. When the nurses rolled Kevin over to examine a sore that has been healing well on his backside, I saw him open his eyelids. After they rolled him onto his back, his eyelids stayed open for a little while, never fully closing them. He has opened them back up a couple times since then.

The doctor this weekend had ordered a CATscan and it took place this morning. The doctor then gave us the results today. Kevin’s blood clots aren’t visible on the scan. This means they are either too small to show up and are being absorbed by the body, or have already been absorbed. There was no residual blood on the scans, except in one spot. He said it was on the inside of Kevin’s largest skull fracture (on the right side of his head, above the ear). He also said this was to be expected.

The started putting Kevin in a chair position last night. His bed moves into that position. They will start doing this three times per day to help with circulation and some studies show it helps neurologically. They will also try once per day sitting him in another recliner that starts out flat like a bed. There are studies that show that moving him can help neurologically stimulate the brain.

This doctor, Dr. Dailey, was great answering all of our questions. Very openly and honestly. He told us there is still much that they do not know and cannot predict. He told us about someone who had more damage than Kevin who had been written off by himself and the neurologist. Later on, this patient was dismissed to go home with his brothers. He isn’t exactly the same as before, but he isn’t laying motionless in a coma. He also told us of people with less injuries who never woke up.

About the vent settings, Dr. Dailey told us that he was pleasantly surprised that Kevin had done so well so far being weaned off the ventilator. This is good since it is controlled by the brainstem. It is also good because it opens up more possibilities for Acute Care Centers as a next step for Kevin. There are only three in Tulsa that accept patients on ventilators. If he’s off, there are centers that specialize in brain injuries, but again these don’t accept patients on ventilators.

I also wanted to clarify and explain some of the new areas to keep track of Kevin’s progress. Starting tomorrow, I will start weaning off the old communication, and use only the new. So that means if you are having problems, please write me with questions and I will help you out. We want your involvement and we definitely want your prayers. – This is essentially a blog with whistles. You do not need to sign up for anything to read this. I will post every update I make on this. - This is an email update list. If you are wanting to receive updates as soon as I post them, you may want to sign up here. If you go to you can subscribe to the list on the right side of the page. If you have problems signing up and want to receive the emails, please reply to me and I can add some on to it manually. The system will not allow me to add a major bulk amount however. – on Facebook, you can go and read the updates in “My Notes” section. If that is where you have been reading them and want to continue then by all means go ahead. – This link may or may not get you to the Facebook group – Pray For Kevin, otherwise you can search groups for “Pray for Kevin” and you should find it. - This last method is for Twitter. I know many of you are unfamiliar with Twitter. But it is best used for very short updates, like a text message on a phone. In fact, after signing up for twitter and “follow”ing Pray4Kevin on Twitter, you can choose to add your cell phone to your profile and turn device updates on for his particular twitter update. Below I’ll list a couple examples of our latest Twitter updates:

“They are prepping Kevin for a morning CATscan at 9. The doctor should also be in some time this morning.about 6 hours ago from web”
“The Respiratory Therapist just lowered his breath support/minute from 8 to 6 & his breathing rate is still staying around 21/minute.about 10 hours ago from web”
“Kevin was active w/his right shoulder & leg, sort of withdrawing them several times. In 4 hrs, they want to reduce vent from 8 to 6.about 13 hours ago from web”

You get the picture.

Sorry for the length of this one. I promise to not make this a habit. Every once in awhile maybe, but not normally.

We are so thankful for your prayers. We are so grateful for the answers that God has given so far to our prayers. Thank you for prayers.

Matt, Angie & family


  1. We are praying for kevin tell him the underwoods are coming to see him thursday love you

  2. We will tell him guys! We look forward to seeing you all!

  3. Praising God for Kevin's progress this weekend!
    "Lord I have heard of your fame;
    I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.
    Renew then in our day,
    in our time make then known;
    in wrath remember mercy." Habakkuk 3:2
