Saturday, October 3, 2009

Update #63 on Kevin

Kevin had an uneventful night last night. Yesterday, he had his trach capped for at least six hours by the time, that we left last night. Usually, they would give his lungs a break, by putting him back on wall-flow, but I’m not sure what time they did that. Regardless, six hours would be his record so far, for being capped and breathing only through his mouth and nose. His respiratory therapist even gave him his breathing treatment with a mask over his mouth and nose.

He has had a fever a couple of times over the past couple days, so the doctor ordered some blood cultures to be done. Speaking of blood, Kevin had some in his urine last night, but apparently, it was just from getting his catheter pulled or something, because that cleared up overnight too.

Kevin’s stomach digestion issues are still a little buggy. They have to keep starting and stopping his tube feeding, so that he can digest better. Keep praying for his digestion issues as he adjusts to a higher dose of tube feeding.

Thanks for praying for the family as we navigate all the issues that naturally come up in a situation like this. Pray for us to find time to deal with the flood issues too. It is difficult tearing time away from Kevin to deal with material things.

Thanks for caring,
Matt, Angie and family
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