Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update #74 on Kevin

Kevin had a fever earlier today, but with a little ice and Tylenol it came back down. Also, I found out that I was wrong, the night before last Kevin did have a fever, but yesterday it wasn’t an issue.

We went over and checked out things at the warehouse that contains Kevin’s property from the house. We made assessments of furniture that was flood damaged. So far the adjuster has only offered on a couple pieces of furniture, but we already found more that were damaged. Pray that this is not a battle. The fridge and stove were working before the flood and the adjuster didn’t want to pay for those either. Also, in looking at the setup of the house. We are going to need someone to come and look at the heater, especially with winter lurking. It isn’t working. It needs to work.

Kevin was “alert” last night until 12:30 AM moving . It is supposed to get his muscle relaxer around 9 PM, yet he is still moving around every night and yet very drowsy some days. I think that Kevin’s doctor is cutting Kevin’s muscle relaxer in half. Although I am not sure when that starts.

I think that the softball benefit tournament got postponed due to a couple conflicts. Once I get a firm date for it, I will repost the information.

Thanks to all those who have given time in prayer, concern for the family, and well wishes,
Matt, Angie and family
_______________________________ (archived past updates) (or here)

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