Friday, September 18, 2009

Update #47 on Kevin

Kevin’s main doctor here at Meadowbrook is on vacation. We heard he might coming back on Monday. I hope so, the fill in doctor came in this morning listened to his lungs, stood back up and declared that things haven’t really changed. I told him that another doctor and two Respiratory Therapists (R.T.s) have both said that it really seemed that Kevin had been looking at them during therapy times and exams. I thought that then this doctor might look into his eyes or lift his head or something, maybe touch his hands or even talk to Kevin, but he did nothing, he just replied that, “we just need to keep supporting him and see if anything changes neurologically.”

After speaking with the Physician’s Assistant, she is ordering a speaking valve. While Kevin has the trach in, he cannot make any sounds. If they place a speaking valve when he is alert, he may be able to make sounds. We are preparing ourselves in advance though. He may not make any sound. It may be gibberish. He may say something that doesn’t make sense. It could all depend on if the wires in Kevin’s brain are mixed up or not. It doesn’t mean that it can’t change though. We are praying that he is able to express himself when it is in. The speaking valve would not be in place all the time yet. They are still using the heated humidified air through his trach to help combat his pneumonia in his right lung. The R.T. during the night told us that both of his lungs sounded good.

This morning in order to help rest and heal his right eye, the nursing staff put some ointment in his eye and have taped it closed so that it can heal good.

The Occupational therapist told us that over the next few days, when Kevin is up in the blue neuro chair we might be able to take him outside! It is another great way to stimulate his senses. Today while sitting in his chair, Angie and I got to see how his body is being stimulated. Both of his legs were rocking, His arms/hands were kind of shivering. His eye was wide open (is right eye is taped all day). Angie and I were holding his hands and

There have been a few reports lately of Kevin tracking someone with his left eye. His R.T. today told us more than once Kevin was looking at her. Also today, Kevin watched an episode of Big Valley and an episode of The Monkees while he was up in his blue chair.

Thank you for praying,
Matt, Angie and family
_______________________________ (to read all the updates) (same bat site, different bat address)

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